本文汇总一些 Hexo 的个人使用方法
Markdown 语法汇总
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 --- title: typora-vue-theme 主题介绍 date: 2020-09-07 09:25:00 author: jishh abbrlink: 19942 tags: - Typora - Markdown categories: - Markdown sticky: 98 toc: true description: 本篇汇总一些 Hexo 的个人使用方法 coverImg: https://s2.loli.net/2022/08/24/CXMTlqu9eAVs7NO.jpg password: jishh message: Welcome to my blog, enter password to read. mathjax: false ---
1 2 3 {% note simple %} 默认 提示块标籤 {% endnote %}
1 2 3 {% note default simple %} default 提示块标籤 {% endnote %}
1 2 3 {% note primary simple %} primary 提示块标籤 {% endnote %}
1 2 3 {% note success simple %} success 提示块标籤 {% endnote %}
1 2 3 {% note info simple %} info 提示块标籤 {% endnote %}
1 2 3 {% note warning simple %} warning 提示块标籤 {% endnote %}
1 2 3 {% note danger simple %} danger 提示块标籤 {% endnote %}
1 2 3 {% note no-icon %} 默认 提示块标籤 {% endnote %}
1 2 3 {% note default no-icon %} default 提示块标籤 {% endnote %}
1 2 3 {% note primary no-icon %} primary 提示块标籤 {% endnote %}
1 2 3 {% note success no-icon %} success 提示块标籤 {% endnote %}
1 2 3 {% note info no-icon %} info 提示块标籤 {% endnote %}
1 2 3 {% note warning no-icon %} warning 提示块标籤 {% endnote %}
1 2 3 {% note danger no-icon %} danger 提示块标籤 {% endnote %}
1 2 3 {% note blue 'fas fa-bullhorn' flat %} 2021 年快到了.... {% endnote %}
1 2 This is my website, click the button {% btn 'https://jishh.com', JiShH %} This is my website, click the button {% btn 'https://jishh.com', JiShH,,outline %}
This is my website, click the button JiShH
This is my website, click the button JiShH
Hexo Bug 解决